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Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular... Исполнитель

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Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular. Some feel that is this is a positive trend, while others do not.

What are your opinions on this?



  • Harmful for our health
  • Put at risk tradition health

Nowadays, fast foods are increasingly consumed throughout the world. This is creating heated debates among the people supporting and opposing this trend. To my way of thinking, wide-spreading of fast foods is a negative trend as it harms our health and traditional foods.

On one hand, eating too much fast food might provoke many health problems. For example, obesity and stomach- related illnesses are very common where junk food is over consumed. Because fast food contains rich fat and other harmful ingredients that destroy our healthy eating. Furthermore, because of their easy preparation and delicious taste more and more people prefer eating out rather than cooking home-made meals. This is causing disappearance of culinary skills and making people lazy. That’s why it is considered by me as a negative aspect.

On the other hand, it risks losing traditional culinary secrets which are passing on from generation to generation. In the cities for instance, where fast foods are already popular, it is really hard to find traditional food. This example makes it clear how easily-prepared food is causing extinction of our valuable traditional. Therefore, for me, it is not good development.

In conclusion, even though fast foods are widely consuming around the world, it seems to me it is threatening our health and valuable traditional foods. If this tendency spreads at high pace, someday in the future it will bring about unprecedented causes.

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