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Describe your ideal job. Исполнитель

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Describe your ideal job.

You should say:

what it is

what people would do

how can you get it

and explain why you like it


My ideal job is to be a writer. Being a novelist, I can create a mysterious world in my novels. In novels, my characters can fulfill what I can't do in my real life.

Things can always be wonderful.I have been reading long novels since I was

in elementary school. The famousChinese writer, Jinyong, is my favorite. I

have read all the novels he wrote. When I read them, I would feel very excited

and want to write novels just like him. Actually, I started writing novels when I

was a freshman in college. I shared my novels with my classmates and they

all liked them. I think I have the potential to be a writer. I hope one day my

novels can be published.

Of course, it's not easy to be a successful novelist. I need to practice more

and keep writing everyday or at least every week. If I can do this job well, I

can also enjoy many benefits. Being a novelist, I can have a flexible schedule

and can have my own fans. I can also make friends with a lot of famous

writers. I hope my dream can become true one day and maybe I'll meet my

favorite writer, Jinyong.


As a child, I used to dream of being a gastronomist. I was fat when I was in

primary school, since I was fond of eating sweets. Whenever others made fun

of me because of that, I would say I would be a gastronomist in the future. I

admired those gastronomists on the TV program who taste and judge the

dishes on competition by cooks from around China. Though I didn't have

much knowledge of being gastronomist, I was really envious of them being

able to taste the delicious food. Meanwhile, I found most of them were thin,

so I was curious why they could keep thin while eating tasty food every day

which I longed for.

Growing up, I know to be a gastronomist is not that easy. It's said, to be a

gastronomist, first of all, one must be proficient in the origin and history of

food in different areas and the eating habit of local people so as to fully

appreciate the food. What's more, they should keep learning to catch up with

the development and fashion of food.

Though I am not a gastronomist as I wished, I still have great interest in

eating. Whenever I go to a new place, I will surf online forward to find the

special food on offer there and have a taste there if possible. Usually, I prefer

to watch the programs on cooking and I try different recipes. Sometimes, I

myself even invent a new way for cooking, which is approved by my family. I

enjoy being a happy eater.

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