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People succeed because of their hard work Исполнитель

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People succeed because of their hard work; luck has nothing to do with success.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Attaining triumph is usually attributed to perseverance, and luck seems to have no significant role in success. I personally think both hard work and luck are equally vital for people to become successful no matter what their domain is.

Most of the time, success is thought to be achieved through dedicated practice. This means that those who have accomplished great heights in terms of sport or art, for example, have a high level of commitment and devotion to their profession. Such individuals, thanks to their diligence, often have an advantage over others, standing out from the crowd. Another reason why I consider hard work to be the main ingredient of success is that when people strive to make a prodigious effort to achieve something, especially in times of obstacles, they are more likely to perform their utmost, attain greater abilities and discover concealed talents inside.

On the other hand, if a person has no luck at all, reaching success is perhaps impossible with the help of neither hard work nor other factors. In fact, regardless of being incompetent, some individuals can still accomplish unprecedented success as long as there is luck. Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, for instance, was an ordinary student studying at Harvard university, when he earned worldwide fame since he was just in the right place at the right time. At the outset, he was not even expected to create such a popular social networking website because he was not the only bright student.  The aforementioned example makes it clear why being lucky is thus crucial.

In conclusion, I believe the basic formulas for achievement are hard work and luck, and they should co-exist when one wants to succeed.  Downplaying any of these factors is therefore wrong.

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