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Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little exposure to the natural world Исполнитель

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Because of the busy pace of modern life, many children spend most of their time indoors and have little exposure to the natural world.

 How important is it for children to learn to understand and appreciate nature? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Recent advancements in the modern world have effects on people’s particularly, children’s daily routines.  Consequently, children are spending much of their time on indoor activities, being apart from the nature.  However, in my point of view, they had better learn more about the nature. In the following paragraphs I will give more information in detail about the importance of teaching children to understand and appreciate nature.

To start with, as nature is considered our home, knowing how to understand and respect it is the responsibility of any person.  In fact, the more we know about our house, the longer it serves for us. Therefore, children should learn to comprehend and appreciate nature as early as possible. Thus, it is very vital to educate our children about the world surrounding us.

Secondly, many people share the view that nature provides us with food and air which are so crucial for human beings’ surviving. As our lifestyle makes us further from nature, the only way to feel the importance of it is to educate our children about it. By this approach, we could treat nature friendly, avoiding potential natural hazards. For this reason, our future generation- children should acquire some knowledge about appreciating and understanding nature.

Taking everything into account, once more I am inclined to believe that it is very essential for children to enrich their knowledge on comprehending and respecting the environment.  It is recommended that young people are urged to spare more time in nature to increase their sense and love towards it.

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