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Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Исполнитель

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Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.

Sample aswere written by Elyor

Most people are concerned that it is the best time to embark upon learning a foreign language at primary school, as opposed to secondary school. I agree up to a point with this opinion. In the following paragraphs, I will give some information to support my viewpoint.

There are a lot of plus points of commencing learning a new language. In fact, the recent research done by Joseph Greenberg at University of California claimed that people have already acquired seventy percent information at their early time. It is conspicuous that young generation ought to take up learning a new language as early as possible. Moreover, if children start learning English as an early age, they have sufficient time to begin new activities such as attending some tutorial groups or a football club and so forth. 

There are also some minus points of starting learning a new language. Firstly, if children embarked on learning a new language at an early age, they may confront some misunderstandings. Misunderstandings might have knock-on effect throughout the course of their life. Furthermore, it is inevitable that while learning a new language, children tend to use the Internet. At that time, children might see inappropriate information or videos. It has negative effects on children’s behavior. In addition to this, children might waste their valuable time by using the Internet.

Taking above-mentioned reasons into account, in my view, the merits of learning a new language at an early age surpass its demerits. I therefore, believe that it is vitally important to commence learning a new language at primary school.

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