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The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000. Исполнитель

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Sample Answer 1 written by Kozim:

Introduction 1: The table indicates how the modes of travelling changed over a period of 15 years from 1985 to 2000 in England.

Introduction 2: The diagram presents an overall view of the length of the distance by one person a year in different modes of transportation in England in 1985 and 2000.

Introduction 3: The table illustrates overall changes in various types of travelling by a person a year in England for a period of 15 years from 1985 to 2000.

Overall, the length of distance travelled by one person a year increased, mainly because of growth in the car routes during the given period.

A major way of commuting for an English person was by cars, increasing from about 3200 miles to 4800 miles, a 50 % increase in 15 years.  The figure for local bus and other transportation was similar in 1985, each constituting over 400 miles. However, coming to 2000, while it decreased for local buses, the proportion of other transport increased nearly 25%. Likewise, the figures for walking and train were similar, but at shorter miles in 1985 before an about 20 miles decrease in walking and  roughly 80 miles increase in train. Interestingly, these changes were repeated for bicycles and long distance buses, when each length of distance travelled via these modes of transportation was about 50 miles in 1985and fifteen years later,  it declined to 41 miles in bicycles and more than doubled in long distance buses. The least popular way of commuting, travelling by taxis, more than tripled from 13 miles to 42 miles. 

Sample Answer 2:
The given table data shows information on the way of travelling by British people for the year 1985 and 2000. As is presented in the table, using the car was the most common way of travel by British people, both in 1985 and in 2000. In 1985, more than 3000 miles out of total 4740 miles were travelled by an average British people that increased to well over 4000 out of total 6475 in the year 2000. The second most common way of travelling for these two years was the local bus (excluding the data from other categories) which was far less than the car. Taxi was the least preferred way of travelling both in these two years amounting only 13 miles per person and 42 miles per person for these two years.

The bicycle was used for an average of 50 miles travel by each person in 1985 and that decreased to 41 miles in 2000 which show the decline of bicycle usages by British. Train, local distance buses were two other modes of travel by British people whose popularity increased over time. In 1985, 255 miles distance was travelled by an average British on foot while this distance decreased a bit in 2000. The other transportation were used comprises about 450 miles per person in 1985 which increased to 585 in 2000.

In summary, the popularity of car as transportation gained popularity among British people in 15 years of time and they mostly preferred to use cars as their means of travel.

Sample Answer 3  Written by - Wang Zhe:
The given table illustrates how the mode of travel changed in England between 1985 and 2000. Generally, comparing to 1985, English travelled more each year, 6475 miles for each person.

Cars were by far the most popular mode of travel in both years in England. In 1985, the average distance travelled by English was 3,199 miles, and 4806 miles in 2000. On the other hand, we can see immediately that taxi was the least popular mode of travel. Although the travelling distance in 2000 was above three times as long as in 1985, only 42 miles was travelled per person this year, which was almost same for the bicycle. No significant changes happened to some modes of travels, like walking, bicycle and other modes between 1985 and 2000. According to the table, in 2000 local bus was used less than in 1985. Only 274 miles were travelled in 2000, which was 55 miles less than in 1985. In contrast, long distance bus becomes more popular. Each person travelled 124 miles by long distance bus in 2000 while only 54 miles in 1985.

In conclusion, in England, people travelled more distance in 2000 than in 1985. It is obvious that cars were the most popular mode of travelling.


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