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US energy consumption by fuel Исполнитель

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The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.consumption-of-energy-usa.jpg

The line graph illustrates how many units of energy in six sources were and will be used in the USA from 1980 to 2030.

Overall, all sources of energy are expected to rise, except for Hydropower which is set to stay static over the given period.

As it can be seen from the graph, the figure for the most common source of energy- petrol and oil experienced a fluctuation between 35 quadrillion units in 1980 and about 40 quadrillion units in 2005. Since, then on, it started to rise, being expected to reach an all-time high of 50 quadrillion units in 2030.

When it comes to coal and natural gas, they both increased at varying rates until they equalized at about 25 quadrillion units in 2015. However, it is projected that the figure for natural gas will not see a change, whereas the consumption of coal will rise to 30 quadrillion units until 2030, being a second popular source of energy.

The consumption of the least common types of energy sources will not experience large changes with the marginal growth in the amount of nuclear and solar/wind power and a stagnation in the amount of hydropower for the stated period.


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