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The consumption of fish and different kinds of meat in a European country Исполнитель

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The graph below shows the consumption of fish and different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.


The line graph provides information about how much fish and meat was weakly eaten by one person in European countries between 1979 and 2004.

Overall, it can be seen in the line graph that the consumption of fish and meat declined for the given period, apart from chicken, which increased marginally.

The consumption of chicken rose significantly from nearly 150grams in 1979 to 250grams in 2004, recording an all-time high. As to beef consumption, there was a fluctuation between 220grams and 240grams in 1979-1989, since then on it started to decline, amounting to well over 100grams per person per week in 2004. The figure for lamb decreased sharply from 150grams to nearly 110grams for the first two years. In the following years, the consumption of lamb declined erratically to nearly 60grams before there was a rise of 20grams in 1989 from 110grams in 1986. With regard to fish consumption, it declined slowly to 50grams in 1980 from 60grams in 1979, after that, the consumption of fish nearly levelled off at approximately 50grams for the consecutive 24 years.

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