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How wood pallets are made Исполнитель

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The diagram gives information about how wood pellets are manufactured for heating buildings.

 As an overall trend it is clearly seen that the full process includes 7 steps and in order to produce the wood pellets, the factory needs many machines.

 First of all, the main material is sawdust and it comes from samwill. Secondly, the sawdust is turned into fibres of uniform leght by hammering in a hammer mill.At the next stage, the fibers are dampened with stream. Fourth step needs a pallet machine and the fibers are forced through the holes of the pallet machine to form into pellets . Then the pellents are cooled. At the following stage,  the cooled pellets are vacuumed off to remove the loose dust by vacuume machine. Finally, when pellets are ready they will be packed into 18 kilo (40 pound bags) to deliver the wood pellets to the market.


A given diagram illustrates the process by which wood pellets are made and used to heat buildings.

 It is evident from the information provided that there are seven phases involved.

 The first step is that the sawdust arrives from sawmill and then the sawdust is hammered into fibres of uniform length in a hammer mill. Once the fibres have been dampened sufficiently with steam and then, they are ready for the next step. The fibres are forced through holes in the pellet machine. Meanwhile, the fibres form into pellets. After the pellets come out of the machine, they are cooled. At this point, the cool pellets are vacuumed to loose dust. The final phase is that the finished pellets are packed into 18 kilo per (40 pound) bag. They are then ready for sale. They can be used to heat any kind of buildings.


The diagram illustrates the process of producing wood pellets, used to knock down buildings. Overall, there are 7 stages in the process beginning with the sawdust comes from sawmill and culminating in packing.

At the first stage of this process sawdust arrives from sawmill. After arriving, in the second stage sawdust is hammered into fibers of uniform length in a hammer mill. Once hammering sawdust into fibers has finished, fibers are able to dampen with steam. The next step is when fibers are forced through holes in a special pellet machine in order to form pellets. After forming process is completed, pellets are put in cooling machine. At the next stage, the loose dust of cooled pellets is vacuumed off.  Finally, when pellets are ready they will be packed into 18 kilos (40 pounds) bags for market. 

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