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The picture provides information about the process of manufacturing bricks for construction industry Исполнитель

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The picture provides information about the process of manufacturing bricks for construction industry.

Overall, there are seven steps in the process, beginning with digging clay from the ground and culminating in delivering by trucks.

To start with, a digger digs clay from the ground. Second, the clay passes through a metal grid and then, is delivered by a roller to the next stage. Here, sand and water are mixed before sending a mixture to a wire cutter or to a mould where bricks are formed. After forming procedure, the bricks are dried in the drying oven for 24-48 hours. In the following phase, they are heated in two clins at moderate (200 C-980 C) and high (870-1300 C) temperatures before cooling down them in a cooling chamber for 48-72 hours. The next step is to package the bricks. In the final stage, the packaged bricks are delivered by special trucks to building areas.

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