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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The charts below give information on the ages of the population of Yaman and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050
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The charts below give information on the ages of the population of Yaman and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050 Исполнитель

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The pie charts compare the population of Yemen and Italy in different age brackets in the years of 2000 and 2050. Overall, it is anticipated that Yemen will be a home to more people who are 15-59 years old in 2050 than it had in 2000, whereas this pattern is a complete reverse in Italy over the same period.

         In 2000, 0-14 year old profiles constituted more than a half of the total proportion in Yemen, while the percentage of this age range was 14.3 per cent in Italy. The proportion of the people aged 15-59 ranked second in Yemen, making up 46.3 per cent, but the percentage of this age group came first in Italy, accounting for 61.6 per cent. By comparison, the percentage of 60+ age profiles made up only 3.6 % and 24.1 % in Yemen and Italy respectively.

         By 2050, it is predicted that the proportion of children will decline to 37.0% in Yemen and this figure will reduce by only 2.8 per cent in Italy. However, there will be a slight increase of  in the percentage of the people aged 60 or more to 5.7% in Yemen and to 42.3 per cent in Italy. Yemen will have a 57.3 % of adults that 11.1 % more than that of Italy will do.


The pie charts provide information about the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and predictions for 2050.

In 2000, the main proportion of the population was 0-14 age profiles in Yemen and 15-59 year old brackets in Italy, 50, 1 % and 61,6 % respectively. The second dominant group was the people aged 15-59 in Yemen (46, 3%) and the elderly people in Italy (24, 1%). 60 and over year-old people and 0-14 years old constituted the least percentage of Yemen and Italy’s population.

However, it is predicted that the dominant population will be 15-59 age profiles in both countries with the percentage of 57, 3% and 46, 2% in 2050. While the youngest age group will make up 37% in Yemen, the figure for Italy will only be 11, 5% in the projected year. The proportion of elderly people will be six times more in Italy than that of Yemen.


      15-59 years old= people aged 15-59=15-59 year-old profiles=15-59 age brackets

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