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The charts below give information on the ages of the population of Yaman and Italy Исполнитель

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The charts below give information on the ages of the population of Yaman and Italy

The given pie charts illustrate past and future data about the age proportion of the population of two different countries named Yamen and Italy.

Overall, while the main proportion of population in Yamen were and will be young and middle aged people, in Italy the majority of the citizens were and are set to be elderly.

In 2000, more than half of the population in Yamen was the people aged under 14, whereas they in Italy constituted the minority with only 14,3%. The second largest group in Yamen was 15-59 year olds, making up 46,3 % of the total population. However, this age bracket was the dominant in Italy, accounting for about two-third of the total amount. The rest of the population was the elderly in both countries.

Regarding to future data, majority of the people in both countries are projected to be 15-59 age profiles. The figures for young people are likely to decrease to 37 % and 11,5%  both in Yamen and Italy respectively. When it comes to people aged 60 and over, their proportion is predicted to be 42,3% in Italy, over sevenfold more than their peers in Yamen.

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