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The table shows the worldwide market share of the mobile phone market for manufacturers... Исполнитель

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The table shows the worldwide market share of the mobile phone market for manufacturers in the years 2005 and 2006.

The table presents some changes in the worldwide mobile phones trade in the two consecutive years.

Overall, as shown in the chart the two giant companies- Motorola and Nokia constituted more than half of the global CELLPHONE market for the given period.

The figures for Nokia and Motorola were on rise, up from a total of about 33 % and 18% to 35% and 21 % respectively. With regard to Sony and LG, they shared  similar proportions in the global phone market, each accounting for approximately 7% in 2005. However, coming to 2006 the figure for Sony witnessed an increase of about 1%, reaching well over7 %, while the indicators of LG were in decline. The proportion of Samsung in the market decreased by about 1% from 12,7% . Likewise, the figure for Benq more than halved, accounting for a merely 2,4 % in 2006. The remaining proportions were shared by other companies, decreasing from 19.2% to 16,2%. 

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