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The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students... Исполнитель

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The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not to go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.


The two given bar charts illustrate how many UK graduate and postgraduate students were busy with different activities expect except full-time work after finishing their high school in 2008.

The column graphs compare the destinations of graduate and postgraduate students not considering full-time work after graduating their colleges in 2008 in UK. 

Overall, excluding data about full-time work, the highest number of both UK graduate and postgraduate students leaving school was busy with further study, whereas the least of them involved in voluntary work.

As is clear from the first graph, the number of graduates doing part-time work was 17 735, 1500 people more than unemployed graduates. Likewise, the gap between part-time working and unemployed postgraduates was noticeable, each constituting well over 2500 and 1600 people respectively.

Nearly 30 000 graduate students decided to continue their studies, a ten-fold over the number of postgraduates in further study. The figures for voluntary work were similar, as well. To be more specific, the number of graduates involving in voluntary work exceeded 10 times more than that of postgraduates, making up 3500 people. 

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