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What do you like to do when it’s a sunny day? Исполнитель

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What do you like to do when it’s a sunny day?

I’d love to participate in some outdoor activities under the sun like meeting up

with some friends or do some sports, especially swimming. Or I’ll grab the

chance for a photography tour. Everything becomes so clear and stunning on

sunny days, no matter it’s early in the morning or late in the afternoon,

as long as the sun shines, I’m sure I’ll find inspiration almost everywhere.


To grab the chance (v) to have an opportunity to do Sth


I’m a highly active person who really enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking

or cycling. Therefore, on a sunny day, if I have some time to spare, I will do some

exercises in the local park or explore the surrounding neighborhood where I

have yet to visit. It would be a shame if people stay indoor all day without

bathing under the sun every once in a while.

Have yet to do something (phrase) used for saying that something has not

happened or been done up to the present time

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