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Are there many sunny days in your hometown? Исполнитель

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Are there many sunny days in your hometown?

I’m living in a tropical country so it’s safe to say that there are more sunshine

than rain, which is great news for people who enjoy being outside like me.

However, the heat can be extreme in some specific months of the year,

therefore, we have to apply sunscreen or cover ourselves carefully before leaving

the house to avoid sunburn or heatstroke.

Extreme (a): very great in degree

Sunburn (n): the condition of having painful red skin because you have spent

too much time in the sun

Heatstroke (n): an illness with fever and often loss of consciousness, caused

by being in too great a heat for too long


It is a modern big city so unless it’s our rainy season, otherwise the sun would

shine most of the time, either during one day or the whole year. Sometimes the

temperature rises so high that it feels like burning, that’s when people prefer

staying indoor enjoying the cool air produced by air conditioners.

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