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Do you like sunny days? Исполнитель

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Do you like sunny days?

I would say I am most productive and energetic on sunny days since there are

full of brightness and positivity. For me, sunshine represents hope and

optimism, thus, it gives me motivation to perform better at school or at work.

On the contrary, I tend to be more lethargic and less enthusiastic during rainy

season, mostly because of its dull and gloomy atmosphere.

Represent (v): to be a symbol of something

Optimism (n): a feeling that good things will happen and that something will

be successful; the tendency to have this feeling

Lethargic (a): without any energy or enthusiasm for doing things

Dull (a): not bright, with a lot of clouds

Gloomy (a): nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad

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