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Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors. Исполнитель

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Describe a picnic or meal that you ate outdoors.

You should say

Where you had this meal

Who was with you

What you ate and drank

What you saw or did

And explain why you ate outdoors/ why you enjoyed this picnic or outdoor meal.


Just in late March, I went on a picnic with five of my friends on a sunny day. We

chose to have the picnic in Prince Bay Park because in spring many beautiful cherry

blossoms, tulips and some other flowers boom in the park. And with lots of trees,

vast lawn and several creeks, it is a gorgeous place for picnic. We took a tent and

lots of delicious food, drinks, badmintons and pokers with us.

As scheduled, all of us got there early in the morning and we took a walk

casually while appreciating beautiful flowers and taking photos in the park.

Being a little tired, we set up our tent and took a rest on the lawn. We took

turns to play badminton and pokers, while other took out and passed over the

food. And sometimes we just lay on the lawn to enjoy ourselves silently.

Whatever we did, we felt happy and totally relaxed. And thus imperceptibly

the day had crept on to its close and we left the park reluctantly.lt was indeed

an unforgettable and entertaining experience of picnic. As to me, a picnic is a

great gathering for families or friends to communicate with each other and

enjoy others' company. And it can always make me relaxed and forgettable

out all the pressures I've experienced in everyday life. So I would like to have

a picnic outdoors once the weather is fine and some family members or

friends have free time.


Early this spring, my friends and I had a barbecue in Jiuxi, a famous spot for

barbecue. The weather then was warm and suitable for eating outdoor.

My friends and I made it a rule to have a get-together every two month, trying

something different each time. We'd never made barbecue before, and when

one of us suggested about having one, all of us agreed. Since we had no

relevant experience, we turned to the internet for help. I was responsible for

contacting a supplier who would lend us a barbecue, and my friends taking care of food and drinks. We met at the bus station, and after we saved all our

food at the supplier's, we took a walk around as it was still early.

At about 10 o'clock, we returned to the barbecue site where there were plenty

of people being busy with cooking food. We soon joined them and took all the

stuff we'd prepared. Knowing that we had barbecue for the first time, the

supplier kindlyshowed us how to operate, and told us what kind of food should

be cooked first. Thanks to his help, we got to start successfully. Unskilled as

we were, some stuffwas burnt and some was not ready as appeared, though

we had surfed online for instruction. We, however, enjoyed ourselves a lot.

Finally we had a good meal, and were too full to eat anything, leaving much

food uncooked.

We were in agreement that we would have a barbecue again in late autumn, and

since we had the experience, we could make it better and won't waste any food.

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