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The first day of the school (CEFR B1) Исполнитель

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The first day of the school

I think nobody forgets their first school day, do they? Like anybody else, I clearly remember this event as it happened right now.

 It was the early morning of the first day of the autumn. After quick washing up, I just dressed my new uniforms which were bought a few days ago by my mum and got the school. There were many pupils who were excited as me. After being introduced with our teacher we were taken to our classrooms. I rushed to sit at the first desk with my childhood friend Barno. First few hours were uncontrolled as all pupils didn’t know the school rules. However, our teacher patiently explained all things so that we could follow. She was very pleasant and kind like our mothers. We were given some books and school supplies by our teacher. We all were curious to page the book and see the pictures in it. At about lunch time, we finished the unforgettable day at school and came back home with a lots of impressions and joys.

So it was a short description of my first school day which was highlightened in my life.

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