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Describe an old person you know who you respect/ admire Исполнитель

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Describe an old person you know who you respect/ admire

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

What kind of person he or she is

And explain why you respect/ admire the person


The old person I admire is Guo Mingyi, an ordinary worker, but he is called

the living Lei Feng. (Lei Feng, a person in the history kindly doing good deeds

to loads of people he never knew, now refers to people who are willing to help

others.) I got to know him from the reports about him on newspaper and

internet, telling his storyof donating money to students in poor regions,

donating his blood for over 20 years, setting up a voluntary group to help

those in need. The continuous donation took up a large part of his income,

while his family still lived in an old small house provided by his factory. I

admire him for his selflessness and dedication which impacted millions of

people in China.

In 1982, Guo retired from the army where he stayed for five years, during the

time his hardworking and kindness to others was highly praised. In 1979, he made his first donation to people suffering earthquake in Yunnan province,

with all his savings as a soldier. In 1990, he joined the Blood Donation

activity organised by his factory, and he kept on doing it from then on, once,

sometimes twice, a year. What's more, he advocated among his colleagues

who joined the voluntary group he founded to donate blood. An increasing

number of people around were influenced by his deeds and joined his group.

Once a person in need of rare blood type, Rh-negative blood, turned to him

for help, for there was no that kind of blood store in the hospital, Guo spread

the news to the internet as an emergency. People around the China in the

blood volunteered to help, whose blood successfully saved the dying person.

From then on, Guo realized the usefulness of internet, and set up an online

group welcoming anyone to join. Now, there are plenty of groups named after

him around the China, whose members are ready to donate their blood to

those in need.


The old person I respect is Mr. Ye, an 84 years old man from Jiangsu

Province. He is an active and kind man. I respect him for what he does. He is

an ordinary person, yet he has been doing unusual thing. After he retired, he

volunteered to offer help to children of poor families in my hometown, which

he has been doing for the past 22 years. We became friends when he paid a

visit to my primary school about 12 years ago.

I remembered the day when I was called into the Teachers’ Office, where I

was introduced to him. He made friends with me because of my handwriting

on the school show window. He told me he was impressed by that. He is a

friend who is as old as my grandpa, so I called him grandpa Ye. He paid a

visit to my home once, during which he told me who he was and the

meaningful thing he was doing. He was sad on reading the news that children

in my hometown dropped off school because they lost their parent(s), or their

parents were disabled. Then he made up his mind to sponsor the unlucky

children. He contributed his pension and the donation he collected, stuff like

clothing and stationary, to children he funded, while he himself living very

simply. At that time, I actually didn’t quite understand how he could do the

selfless thing like that. But I liked him for his kindness. We wrote to each

other for a year since then. However, I lost contact with him when my family

moved to another city. Not until a year ago I read news about people in a

village holding a birthday party for him then did I know that he’s been a

well-known good man in my hometown. He’s the first person in my life who

showed me sincere help to others. He’s a friend who I always admire.

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