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A TV program you want to watch again Исполнитель

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A TV program you want to watch again

You should say:

What it was about?

When did you watch it?

Why do you want to watch it again?


I’d like to talk about the TV program, Chinese Dream Show broadcast on

Zhejiang CZTV, that I watched two years ago. I watched it on its first

broadcasting on April 2nd, 2011. I, at first, had no idea what the program was,

but I'd known much about it from advertising. As advertised, the program

originates from a BBC Saturday night entertainment television program called

Tonight’s the Night. As the original show, it based around making audience

members’ wishes come true, featuring ordinary people living out their fantasies

for real. The program aims to help those ordinary but special people-for they

enjoy great interest in performing- realize their dreams. At the same time, some

celebrities would be invited to help the dream pursuers. I want to watch it again

as it moves me a lot, making me be more hopeful of life.

I still remember the several dream pursuers and their performance. One of

them was a lovely girl who dreamed of performing dancing in a formal stage.

The 8-year-old girl was active and she learned Melbourne Shuffle Dance by

watching videos. Her father, who had much influence on her. was also a lover of

dancing, and he registered to the program, hoping to make her dream conic true.

One of the hosts with a team dressed up to be a canton character and went to

the girl's school to pick her up. The girl enjoyed dancing in the activity

organized by the team, and she was rather surprised when the host took off the

costume and invited her to take part in the program to be broadcast a week later.

A well-known dancing teacher was invited to instruct her for the following week

before her final show on the stage. That day, the girl with a big smile on her face

shared an amazing dance with the audience. Her father sitting in the audience

could not help crying for joy. His daughter's dream was somehow also a dream

of his.

I kept watching the program which is on show every Friday, for months and

was moved again and again by the stories of the dream pursuers. Then as my

favourite host of the program was transferred to another program, I gradually

gave up the program.

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