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Describe something (a TV program or a film) that made you laugh a lot. Исполнитель

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Describe something (a TV program or a film) that made you laugh a lot.

You should say

What is was

When it happened

Who was with you

And explain why you laughed/ why you still remember this event


In an age of computer games, reality show and microblogs, I think there

is no shortage of activities to keep us occupied. Yet the topic reminds me of

a TV program that I often see. Happy Camp, an entertainment TV program

broadcasting every Saturday evening, is produced by Hunan Broadcasting.

It's pretty popular among Chinese audience.

Happy Camp is hosted by the so-called Happy Family: five funny hosts

and hostesses. He Jiong, one of the hosts, is also a singer, an actor and an

Arabic teacher in Beijing Foreign Studies University. One hostess named Xie

Na is very humorous, quirky, cute and girly, and is good at making the

audience laugh. Du Haitao, a little heavy, is a host upon whom the joke is

played. Each episode features several popular celebrities as guest stars.

Sometimes even some celebrities from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, or

Taiwan are invited. They participate in interviews, performing, and games.

The program is so entertaining that I often burst intolaughter at some scenes

and I frequently recommend it to the others.

I am really attracted by the program and I'm unwilling to miss every episode

because it makes me relaxed and laugh a lot. Now I am under constant

pressure from my daily live and seeing such kind of program is a good way to

help me relieve the pressure.


The TV program I enjoy watching is a new recreation program, “Dad, where

are we going?”, directed by the Hunan Channel. Five fathers (popular actors)

and their children were invited to have a three-day living in a totally new

place, a remote village or a deserted area, for example.

The program is attractive for the idea of fathers taking care of their children is

quite new, as fathers are thought having not much experience of looking after

children. The funny incidents between a father and son always make me

laugh to tears.

Every Friday evening, I will lie on the sofa watching the program. On the last

program, the five couples were driven to an isolated village in a mountain,

where villagers had no idea of who they are. The couples were organised to

spend three days there. On arrival, the children were required to hand in the

toys brought with them, and fathers hand in their phones. Therefore, they

were cut off from the world outside. During the time fathers had to cater to their children who always made trouble for their fathers. The children, aging

four to seven years, were encouraged to collect cooking materials from the

villagers for their fathers. Being separated from their fathers, a girl cried for

tiredness, a boy lost patience and a little boy just didn’t move at all. Watching

them, I could not help thinking of my childhood. After getting the materials (a

box of flour, some meat, some eggs, vegetable and kinds of ingredient), the

fathers, four of whom had never cooked before, had to make something out of

the stuff. Inexperienced as they were, they got mixed up on how to make food.

The tough assignment the fathers took amused me a lot.

It’s relaxing to watch programs like that, making me enjoy what were filmed

and laugh on the amusing incidents.


Days ago, I watched an amusing film One Night Surprise online, in which my

favourite actress Fang Binging played the lead. Fang Bingbing acted as a

creative director, Michelle, in an advertising agency. The film tells the story of

her trying to find the father of her unborn baby, during the time, funny things

happened successively.

Michelle is a successful white-collar beauty, yet she is too busy to have a

boyfriend. She enjoys several admirers, including her assistant Tony, a

handsome and talent young guy. Yet, Michelle likes her boss, a man got

divorced recently, who actually is admired by every female in the company.

The story begins on her 32nd birthday when she had too much wine and

totally forgot what went through. The only thing she remembered was that she

woke away the next morning naked in the bed of the hotel. She doesn't realize

anything unusual until about one and a half months later, she is told by a

doctor that she is pregnant. Then she goes about finding out the guy who

made her pregnant. After chatting with her colleague, she found four

suspicious men present on her party. Embarrassed as she is, she could only

indirectly coax information from them, and misunderstandings between them

led her to make wrong judge from time to time. The actors’ wonderful

performance makes me laugh to tears. What moves me most is that Tony asks

her if he can help her as long as she needs help, even though Michelle claims

that the baby is not his. The time when Tony accompanies her to do exercise

for pregnant women, to buy clothes and stuff for baby, to paint a lovely

nursery is full of happiness, moving her a lot. However, they set apart for

misunderstanding. A couple of months later, Tony returns to ask her to marry

him and the moment Michelle tries to say Yes, her water breaks. Tony puts

her on a trolley to the hospital through crowded streets. It’s so interesting to

see the chaos they cause. What’s unexpected is that they finally figure out

what happened on her birthday and the baby is theirs. The incredible affair

turns out to be reasonable

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