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Describe sth. that you cannot do without (except for phones or computers) Исполнитель

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Describe sth. that you cannot do without (except for phones or computers)

You should say:

What is it (are they)

When you got it (they)

Why you cannot get away from it (them)


The stuff I cannot get away from is my watch, without which I feel that I lose

control of myself, as I keep on thinking what time it is. My watch can keep me

calm and it's an indispensible part of my life.

I got my first watch on my tenth birthday from my grandma. It's a lovely pink

watch designed in the shape of a Hello-kitty, which, however, I lost while

playing with friends, for which I was sad for a long time. At that time, watch was just a beautiful decoration to me, since I had not much idea of time as a

kid. Then on my enrolled in secondary school, I received a special watch from

my cousin, which was in blue, my favourite colour. It's unique for it only had

two hands, one for hour, the other for minute. What's more, there were no

numbers in the watch, but just four short lines in the places of three, six, nine

and twelve o'clock respectively. At first, I was not used to it, and had difficulty

in telling the time, but at night I could see the lines clearly. I got to used to it

gradually, and I could tell exactly what time it was. Others, however, were

confused at seeing my watch. It seemed that telling time was the secret

between my watch and me, of which I was proud of. The watch broke,

accidentally, before I graduated from secondary school, causing my heart

broken, too. From then on, I found that I could not get away from watch, as I

couldn't help looking at my hand where the watch used to be, making me

abstracted. I got a Casio watch, afterwards, which I wear all the time, except

for the time I have to touch water.


My glasses have been an indispensable part of my life, without which I cannot

live for a day. I’m near-sighted and I could not see things beyond a meter

clearly without glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses for over thirteen years.

Everyday, the last thing for me to do is to take off my glasses and put them on

the desk bedside, where I can reach while I’m in bed. Therefore, I don’t wear

my glasses only when I’m in bed sleeping.

I was curious of glasses and thought it’s interesting to wear a pair,since one

wearing glasses appears to be knowledgeable. When I found that I could not

see the words teachers wrote on the blackboard, I urged my Mum to take me

to the optometrist who checked my eyes and made me a pair of glasses,

which cost over 200 RMB, a bit expensive at that time. Actually, I did not see

things clear because of pseudomyopia, as told by the optometrist, who told

me to relax my eyes from time to time to prevent them getting near-sighted.

However, my eyes didn’t get better as expected.The result is that I have to

wear glasses daily.

At the very beginning, I was quite excited about wearing glasses, as time

passing by, however,I realized the inconvenience of that. For example, the

glasses tend to slide on summer days when I am sweaty. Sometimes when I

go into warm rooms from outside, I could not see anything because of the

misted glasses. Anywhere, like them or not, I could not live without them.

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