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Describe a story that someone told you when you were a child Исполнитель

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Describe a story that someone told you when you were a child

You should say:

Who told you the story

When and where someone told you the story

What the story was

and explain why you still remember the story


I'd like to retell a story of three monks. Have you heard of the story? Well it

may not be familiar to you, but most people in China must have heard of it.

When I was about 8 years old, my head teacher in my primary school told it to

me for the first time. At that time I quarreled with one of my group members

while preparing for a role play and decided to quit.

In her office, our head teacher didn't blame us; instead, she told us this story.

It goes like this: A young monk lived a simple life in a temple on top of a hill. The

abbot of the temple arranged the young monk to fetch two buckets of water

every day and he did so. Soon, another monk came to the temple and the first

monk shared the job with him: they carried the water with a pole, only one

bucket one time. The arrival of a third monk prompted everyone to expect that

someone else will take on the chore. Consequently, no one fetched water

though everybody is thirsty. At night, a rat came to steal food and knocked the

candleholder, leading to a fire in the temple. The three monks finally united

together to put out the fire. From then on, they cooperated with one another to

fetch water.

Our teacher tried to awaken us to the importance of cooperation. We were

led to live a harmonious life with our pals. Until now, I can remember the story

as well as our teacher clearly.


The story my mother told me when I was seven years old has great

influence on me. It was about the experience of a little monkey who, for the

first time by himself, went down the mountain where he lives, leaving deep

impression on me.

It's autumn, time for harvest. When he goes through a stretch of land with

fully-grown corns, little monkeyselects the biggest one and carries it back

home.On half way, he comes across a field planted with water-melons.

Attracted by the delicious water-melons, he has to throws away the corn to

carry the water-melon he picks. On the foothill, however, he catches a sight

of a lovely bunny, which he runs after immediately. Finally, the bunny runs

into bush missing. Little monkey goes back home with empty-hands, for he

loses the water-melon on chasing.

Mum told me the story when I asked her for advice. At that time I was, like the

little monkey, choosing and quitting what I tried to do. Together with my friends, I went to play volleyball, which I gave up after a month's time, for I

thought I was not tall enough to play volleyball. Later I took up dancing since

I like dressing up and dancing to the music, which, however I stuck to for

three weeks. Then I thought about learning drawing or handwriting. Finishing

the story, Mum told me whatever I decided to do, I should keep on or I would

end up learning nothing. From then on, I am more careful of choosing what to

do and hold on to the end as long as I make up my mind

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