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Describe a useful website that you like to visit. (Or, that you have visited) Исполнитель

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Describe a useful website that you like to visit. (Or, that you have visited)

You should say:

what the contents of the website are (or, were)

how and when you first found this website

how often you go to this website and explain why you think this website is (or, was) useful


I like the website called Discovery Asia, which is in both English and Chinese.

I started surfing this website when I was in middle school. It teaches us a lot

of things around the world, from biology to astronomy, from history to culture.

There're a variety of video clips about different areas for us to choose from.

Every video clip has a short description to help you decide if you want to

watch it. Because of the website I began to know that the world was

wonderful and there was so much more to learn. I've added this website as

my favorite and I would always go to visit it to explore their up-dates.

I especially like the part featuring Egypt. At first, I was attracted by the

beautiful pictures showing the ancient Egypt, like how they might built the

pyramids and make mummies. They also suggested many possible reasons

for making these things, which showed the uniqueculture and philosophy of

the ancient Egyptians. Through that, I began to feel interested in history.

I've learned a lot through it. I think it's really a good educational website, not

only for children but also for adults. I hope one day China can also make

such a good website to show our history explorations to the world.


I'd like to talk about a website called One Day The Chinese People

coming into being on the first day of 2010, whose slogan is "a day, 24 hours,

1440minutes, 86400seconds. I came to know it about two years ago.

The website shows one day life of people from all walks of life. It is

unique, for everyone, professional or amateur, can contribute to it as long as

he can write and take photos. The pictures making vivid recording of

people's life are real and persuasive. Diverse stories of people are displayed

on the website.

The website serves as a medium for people to know the work of others in

different occupations and as a means for people to get approved or help. For

example, a recent report of a rural doctor Zhangbo caught much attention,

which tells about his devotion to his hometown and his kindness to his

villagers. The photos shot show people him working at the clinic and the

transport, a shabby fishing boat and an old motorcycle which he uses to visit

patients. On another ease, the report of an orphan from an impoverished

family who studies hard wishing to go to a university so as to payback her

grandparents moved many people, many ofwhom donated to help her.

Whenever I have time, I would log in the website to read stories available,

and I expect to photograph a person I know, and share his story with others

online some times in the future.


Whenever I open my computer, I would login on the Hujiang network school,

my favourite website for English studying. It’s useful, for there is a full range of materials and online lessons for language learning. It’s free to read the

materials and join the programs available, and lessons on offer are

convenient to learners and much cheaper than those provided in ordinary

school. I found the website, accidently, when I was searching for the audio

recording of NCE (New Concept English) three years ago. I succeeded in

downloading the recording, as well as text files of NCE. There were various

free English materials online, but it's in the website that I found a whole

collection of what I needed. Furthermore, I gathered exercises relating to that,

which I thought were available only in paper books. I saved the website

immediately and joined in twelve English programs I liked most.

The website is attractive, as it provides learning programs for several

languages- English, Japanese, French and Korean, and so on. In the English

programs, there are projects for English learning, ranging from elementary

English, such as phonetic sound, slang and business oral communication, to

English tests like IELTS and TOFEL. I prefer to play the Vocabulary Test, in

which I will finish a quiz of 30 questions relating to word meaning, grammar

and special usage in a limited time. The moment I finish a test, information

about my scores- the numbers of questions I get right, the time I use and my

ranking among people participating will appear on screen. After that, I can

check the questions I missed. It’s rather challenging, and I learn a lot in the

process. English learning turns to be fun in programs like that. That’s why I

think the website is useful

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