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Is it important to follow fashion? Исполнитель

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Sample answer:

Nowadays, a lot of people want to be chick that is why they wear trendy clothes, use modern celphones and try to follow fashion. To my way of thinking it is good and necessary to be fashionable. In order to clarify my point I would like to write about the role of the fashion on the way of the development and also about how trendy things show people intelligence. 

  Every country has a variety of ways in their development, such as: a sport, a science and an art. And the fashion is a big part of the art. Fashion is an uncommon change in different chunks of life, especially in the appearance of the people. So these new clothes can do well-known every city. One of these kinds of cities is Paris. Everyone knows that Paris is a start of the fashion. Because there live a lot of designers who organize a big art weeks and helps to show their city from which authority takes much money.  So that, we have to live with it in order to increase our hometown.

    Fashion does not mean to wear something that is worn by the supermodels, widely-used things called fashionable, such as: jeans, polka-dot-dress and may be classical blouses, but are not ridiculous clothes which are showed on TV.  The appearance says about human plenty of information, for example wearing prevalent clothes means that an intelligence person, who respects modernization. Thus wearing a simple things what suit you give a chance to show yourself by a good side.

  To summarize my points I would like to write that fashion is a thing which gives opportunity to be better and it is important to forward. In my opinion we need to be common and live with fashionable life style, because    everything changes and we cannot stay out of fashion.

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