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Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting Исполнитель

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Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you

enjoyed visitingYou should say:

Where the place was

What you did at this place

Who you went there with

and explain why you liked this place


The sight-seeing spot I'd like to talk about is called, translated in English,

Viewing Fish at Flower Pond, a famous scene by the West Lake in Hangzhou.

There are some wooden pavilions, connected by corridors over the water.

Loads of red carp and goldfish are raised in the water there, and people can

enjoy feed the swarm of fish swimming around. Above the water, there are

masses of lotus and children are always happy to find some fish hidden under

the leaves of lotus.

I had several visits there, and the best time to go must be summer. On early

summer, when it's warm, waterfowls, like swans, return and reproduce near

the water. Many photographers are attracted to take photos of the wildlife,

and more people are interested in discovering the blooming of the first lotus.

I prefer to sit in the bench of pavilion, relaxing or watching the birds, lotus

and fish in the water. On times when it's windy, it's comfortable and enjoyable

to see the waving wicker of the loads of willows growing around the lake. In

July and August, workers can be seen being busy with harvesting lotus and

leaves, with which people prefer to make teas, healthy drink. And the ripe

lotus seeds which are sweet can be made into food and medicine.

Sometimes, I'd like to have a walk with my friends, around the area where it's

lighted in colorful and soft light in summer nights. Walking or sitting by the

Pond calms me down, that's why I am fond of going there.


I’d like to talk about a park on the bank of a tributary of Qianjiang River, a

main river flowing through Zhejiang province. The park is actually part of my

community, which is open to the public. Small as it is, it enjoys a rockwork, a

summerhouse with a table and chairs, several benches along the river bank,

a fifty-square-kilometer square, as well as a grove of ginkgo trees, which

attracts loads of local people and tourists in summer. It’s an ideal place for

people to relax. Many fishing lovers enjoy fishing on the river, where fishes

coming from the Qianjiang River can be caught. The old living in

surroundingcommunities spend a lot of time there. Some prefer to do morning

exercises with their friends, since kinds of sports facilities having been set up.

Some just enjoy the company of their peers, who either play chess and cards,

or chat sitting in the summerhouse. On weekends, many young couples would

like to spend some time there,

some of whom just sit on the benches quietly

and enjoy warm sunshine.

The best time to visit the park is summer when the leaves of ginkgo turn

yellow since middle November, for which the park was made known to the public. There are over three hundred ginkgo trees which are said planted

thirty years ago. It’s fantastic and romantic to walk through the woods by the

flagstone, especially when layers of fallen leaves cover the earth. Years ago,

the amazing scene of yellow leaves of ginkgo in the sunshine attracted a

photographer passing by, who took plenty of photos and shared them online.

Since then, a growing number of visitors to Hangzhou would like to spare

some time in the park, taking photos of the sea of yellow leaves. How

wonderful it is!

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