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Describe a special meal you were invited to Исполнитель

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Describe a special meal you were invited to

You should say:

What to eat

Who you are going to eat with

Where to have the mealAnd explain how you felt about the meal


I’m planning to have a special meal with my family two weeks later, when

will be my brother’s twentieth birthday. The twentieth birthday is important to

a person, since it’s generally considered as the time for one turning to be an

adult in China. I decide to cook a meal for him on that day, making it a special

day for him and my family as well.

First of all, I need to prepare a birthday cake. I decided on making one

myself. When I was worrying about where to make a cake since I don't have

related instruments, my friend suggested me to surf online to find DIY

activities offered by some cake shops. I, luckily, got in touch with an owner

who was willing to help. I’ve spent some time with her, watching her how to

make one. I'm sure I can make a tasty one for the day. Then, I will prepare the

menu in advance, cooking dishes that my family like. In total, there will be ten

dishes to cook, as in tradition, including the hot pot my brother would like to

eat. With the help of my mother, I will list the materials needed, shop and

store them, as I may not get all what I need on that day. At last, I have to

prepare noodles to eat, which stand for long life for the one having birthday.

I cannot wait for the day to come when I will have a busy day to make a

special meal for my family.


Last month, the staff in my department made a trip to Xixi National Wetland

Park and had a meal in the open. We took part in the fish-catching activity

held there and had a big meal with fish and vegetables we collected from the

land by ourselves. We had a great time enjoying the special meal over a lake.

Several ponds of the park are open to the public. Once the water of a pond

is pumped out,visitors are free to catch fish in the pond. Equipped with

special rubber clothes, the boys spent two hours searching for the fish hidden

in the silt. We girls, meanwhile, went to the vegetable garden to pick up some

vegetables. The vegetables grow naturally and no fertilizer or pesticide is

used. Therefore they’re safe and fresh. Carrying full baskets of vegetable, we

returned to the bank of the pond and met the boys who were exhausted, for it’

s hard to walk in the mud while wearing the rubber clothes. Then we went to a

restaurant where we had our fish and vegetables cooked by the famous cook

in the park.

The restaurant is set on the lakeside and tables are scattered on the

wooden terrace above the water. While kitchen hands were busy preparing

food for us, we relaxed on the chairs, talking,

watching fish swimming by

and enjoying the warm sunshine. During the meal, we were divided into two

teams and had a competition of singing. Our leader, Mrs. Lin song parts of a

song, we then had to tell the name of the song and finish the song. The team

that lost the competition was punished to do cleaning of the office for a whole

week. What an enjoyable meal we had!

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