Ballarni quyidagi havolalar orqali stib olishingiz mumkin.
Describe an exam experience you had.
You should say:
what the exam was
how hard you studied
how you fe lt the day of the exam
and say whether you passed the exam or
I'd !ike to talk abo ut the math exam that 1 took when I was a university freshman.
I Er ... to be honest, I was kind of weak in math subj ects, and ... er ... what made the matter worse
was my job. You know, during my university years, I had a part time job and it was always a
challenge to leave my work and be present in the classes. I was awfully behind my lessons.
But for the fi nal exam, I promised myself to do my best and get through the exam at any price. 1
spent lots of time going for every detail; studying and working out many activities to get ready
for the exam. You know, building yourself up to a peak performance on the exam day is so
!Important in any tests, and luck hardly comes into it. By the way, on the day of the exam, I was
so confident, relaxed and motivated; needless to say I had decided to ace the exam. To make a
I long story short, I just sat down on the chair and tumed the exam paper. .. Gosh! ... 1 couldn't
believe my eyes! it was all about chemistry not math I had gotten the date of the exam I mixed up. A nyway, I did pass the math test with ease, but rai led the chemistry test