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Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university(such as biology, chemistry or physics). Исполнитель

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Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university(such as

biology, chemistry or physics).

You should say:

When you attended this lesson

Where you attended this lesson

What you learned (and what branch of science it was)

And explain how you learned it (= how it was taught) / what happened in the



If I am to describe a science lesson I had in my middle school, I must mention

my weakest subject — physics, which used to torture me a lot. As to physics,

I was never competent to do well in the subject.

In middle school, I was one of the top students in my class for I could cope

with most of the subjects with ease. But I was not so good at scicnce lessons,

especially physics. I made lots of efforts on it but in vain.

At the very beginning, my parents and teachers awakened me to the practical

value of physics and the importance of learning it well. Therefore, I attached

much importance to it. But soon I found a painful truth, that is, I was unable to

do well in the subject no matter how hard I worked on it and every physics

examination was difficult for me. Before physics examinations, I always felt

so nervous that I would force myself to recall the formulas and the laws over

and over again almost all the night. And my hands would even tremble on the

examination. And every time the scores embarrassed me.

Faced with the situation, I tried every means to improve the subject and my

parents got a tutor to help me with it. But our efforts didn't pay off at all, which

made me determined to be a liberal arts student in senior high school.

Sample 2:

My favorite subject in secondary school was science and I always looked

forward to having the class because I had a very good science teacher.

Actually, I didn't like it at first because the theories in science could be really

complicated, but soon, my teacher helped me to realize how interesting

science class could be. She would give us a lot of opportunities to go to the

school lab to do science experiments and a lot of these experiments were real life related, which would always make us feel fascinated. I think applying

theories to real life is a very good way to teach knowledge. Besides that, our

teacher also gave us opportunities to do group work so that we could

brainstorm, discuss, and work cooperatively.

I think good teachers are really important because they could arouse

students' interest in learning and help students develop their intrinsic

motivation, whichwould make learning much more enjoyable. Because of the

fun science class I had, I could always have good marks and even now, I'm

still fond of this subject and always want to learn more about it.

Sample 3:

I’d like to talk about a biology class I had on my first year in secondary school.

I liked biology lesson for the biology teacher, Mr. Li, was creative and his

class was interesting. Also, we students could do experiments to prove

whether the knowledge stated on the textbook is right or wrong.

On the class, Mr. Li divided us into six groups, with six students in a group.

Then he distributed three glasses, two carrots, a bottle of salt, and a knife to

each group. After that, one member was asked to get half cup of water in two

of the glasses, and to put two spoons of salt into one of the glasses with

water. And we then marked the glass of salty water. At the same time, two

members should cut three pieces of carrot sticks which should be of similar

size. The carrot sticks were put into the separate glasses. With these done by

us, Mr. Li asked us to discuss what would happen to the two sticks. A boy

guessed that the carrot in salty water would be fresher, as salt is a kind of

nutrition to plant. A girl said the carrot in the salty water would wilt, for she

had had the experience of putting a bunch of flowers into salty water, which

died soon.

Then Mr. Li mentioned what we learned in the last lesson about the cell tap

which takes up the main part of a cell. When we took out the sticks and put

them on the table, we found that the one in salty water was softer, while the

water in fresh water was harder, compared to the one put in the empty glass.

Mr. Li then asked us to turn to the book at the lesson about plants absorbing

and losing water, and explained the principle why the phenomenon happened.

Doing experiments, making observation and presumption made it easier for

us students to understand the principle in biology.

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