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Describe a street where you like to go shopping Исполнитель

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Describe a street where you like to go shopping

You should say:

Where it is

What you buy there

How often you go there

And explain why you like go to the street for shopping.


I'd like to talk about the street nearby my home— West Hill Street. It's a

small street situated between two blocks. Like many people living in the neighbourhood, I like to go shopping at this street very much because I can

almost get whatever I need there.

There is a wide variety of shops and stores at the street. For example,

there are some clothes shops, toy shops, a large supermarket, a jewelry shop,

several restaurants, and so on. It is a nice place to kill some time in the

evenings or on weekends there. One can spend hours shopping around, or sit

in a restaurant, having something to drink, and watching the crowds. It has a

good security system with several security officers on duty every day, so I

always feel safe there. And it's a pedestrian street where no vehicles are

allowed to pull in, so it becomes a good place to take a walk after dinner. The

high buildings and the trees provide people with many shades in summer so

that we can stroll leisurely even on hot summer


I like to go shopping there both alone and with my families because the

street makes me relaxed and slow my tempo of life.


I'd like to describe a shopping street in my hometown, constructed about

10 years ago when the Walmart entered my hometown. The government then

decided to construct a new shopping center around Walmart, added to the

present one in downtown. It took about 3 years before the opening of the

street. At the very beginning, however, it's not popular, partly because the

surrounding public transportation and facilities were not completed.

Gradually, more and more people prefer to go shopping there.

Brand stores of clothing gradually come to being in the street, the majority

of which are retail brands of China, and in recent years, more national brand

come in for competition. People, old and young, can purchase various

clothing and shoes they want. On weekends and holidays, stores offer

discount, sales or special offer to attract consumers. So it is rather crowded.

Every year before the Spring Festival, people flock to the city to buy new

clothes for their family, as it's a tradition in China.

Nowadays, people go to the street not only for shopping, but for relaxing.

Since the facilities around are complete, an increasing number of young

people prefer to enjoy themselves there. For example, they can enjoy the

meal with their friends in a western restaurant like a buffet or a traditional one

offering a hotpot; or they can go to the movies to have a relaxing night; or if

they are energetic enough, they can attend the fitness center to do exercise;

or they can sing at KTV and dance to the music.

The street has been a favourite place for people to do shopping as well as



Whenever my friends coming from other cities paid a visit to me, I would

like to take them to He fang Street, if time permitting. Hefang Street is a traditional shopping street in Hangzhou, and I think it’s the ideal place for a

visitor to appreciate the old Hangzhou, enjoy the traditional food and buy

some souvenirs. The area used to be the culture and trading center of

Southern Song dynasty when it’s rather prosperous. It’s the only place where

a full range of traditional stuff and foods of Zhejiang province are on offer

year round. For example, the traditional clothes and popular marinated duck

attract every visitor going there. The buildings constructed decades ago are

well kept, being distinct from the modern buildings around. They are mainly

built from wood and brick. It’s the center of Hangzhou in the very beginning,

where situated the well-known local stores. Sometimes, groups of people

dressed in Hanfu will perform acrobatics,

something like that,as our

ancestors did in the past,to entertain the visitors.

Last month,my classmate stopped by and we spent a whole afternoon

(here. We stopped on the Tea Shop where the workers dressed in Hanfu to

serve the customers. Some of them introduced the different types of tea

available; some displayed how to make tea; some were busy ‘cooking,tea

with their hands in a special pan. Then we spent about an hour in a fan shop

where fans in various types are on display. The smallest ones are equal to a

man’s hand in length,while the largest can be half of a man in height. Some

fans are made of paper where traditional painting or poems are painted on the

fan leaf. While on the silk fans, the vivid images embroidered on the fan leaf

arc elegant and fantastic. There are so many interesting things to see in the

street that my classmate insisted on visiting it again next time.

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