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Ballarni quyidagi havolalar orqali stib olishingiz mumkin.

Shops and Shopping Исполнитель

Shops and Shopping
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Shops and Shopping

The face of the towns and villages in Uzbekistan is changing. We see new houses, schools, cinemas and shops in every town. Shops are very important in our life. There are different kinds of shops. Some of them sell bread. Others have tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meat or fruit. When we want to buy something, we take our shopping bag and go to a shop. There we talk with shopkeepers who sell things.

Many people do their shopping at the market. There, farmers sell vegetables and fruit which they’ve grown themselves. They sell meat, milk and other things too.

Big shops with many departments are called stores. In stores we can buy almost anything we like. In the windows we see all the things which they sell — food, suits, dresses, coats, boots, shoes, radios, TV sets and many other things.

When we want to buy clothes we go to a department store. This is a big store with many departments where clothes, textiles, linens and jewellery are sold.

I am a regular customer at one of the big Tashkent stores. My friend and I decided to do some shopping on Sunday morning. There are always many people at the department store. We enjoyed wandering from one department to another, looking at various articles on the counters. We spent a lot of time at ready-made clothes and bought a nice dress for me. My friend chose a pair of shoes and a blue scarf for herself.

We both returned home quite happy but rather tired. I like to shop at the department store because you can find anything you like there.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Are there more shops in Uzbekistan than there were five years ago?
  2. Where can people buy items they want or need?
  3. What is a department store?
  4. What did the speaker buy for herself Sunday?
  5. What did her friend buy?

Discussion Questions

  1. Where is the nearest department store located? Do you shop there? Why?
  2. Where do you buy food? Tea? Flour? Boots? A cold drink?
  3. When do you like to go shopping? Do you like shopping? Why?
  4. What did you buy in the last week? Where?
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