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Openstudy.uz saytidan fayllarni yuklab olishingiz uchun hisobingizdagi ballardan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Ballarni quyidagi havolalar orqali stib olishingiz mumkin.

What food do you like? Исполнитель

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Well, to be honest, I should really say that I’m quite a big fan of our Uzbek national food, in particular I’m really into plov, the most famous Uzbek national dish.

This is mainly because, plov is very nutritious and delicious meal.

As well as this, I’m passionate about some holiday special meals such as, sumalak. Traditionally, sumalak is cooked in spring months so that people can satisfy their needs in vitamins. Maybe this is one reason why I’m fond of sumalak.

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