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Holidays in Uzbekistan Исполнитель

Holidays in Uzbekistan
  • Скачано: 205
  • Размер: 31 Kb

Holidays in Uzbekistan

The anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan, which we celebrate on September 1, is a holiday. But there are other dates which are holidays in Uzbekistan.

On December 8 we celebrate Constitution Day,

We celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1. Before New Year’s Day we send New Year wishes to our friends, or we ring them up in the evening on December 31, New Year’s Eve. On that night we are usually at home with our family or with some friends. At 12 o’clock we say to each other, “Happy New Year!” and we answer, “Thanks, the same to you.” We give presents to members of our family, and we have a New Year tree with lights and decorations.

There are two muslim holidays, Ramadan Hait and Kurban Hait. The dates of these holidays change every year.

March 8 is Women’s Day. On that day we give presents to our mothers and sisters. The most common present for women is flowers, and on Women’s Day many men buy flowers to give to their mothers and wives.

March 21 is the spring festival of Navruz, which people celebrate with flowers, dancing, music and traditional foods. Among the most important of the foods is sumalak, a dish made from boiled wheat sprouts.

May 9 is Victory Day, the anniversary of the victory over fascist Germany. It is one of the greatest holidays, and all the countries which fought together against the fascists celebrate it.

Comprehension Questions

  1. What holidays are celebrated in Uzbekistan?
  2. What religious holidays are celebrated? What national holidays are celebrated?

Discussion Questions

  1. What are the newest Uzbek holidays? What are the oldest?
  2. What is your favourite holiday? Why?
  3. Why is Women’s Day celebrated?
  4. What are your favourite holiday traditions?
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