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Navruz Исполнитель

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March 21 is the holiday of Navruz. In cities, towns and villages people of Uzbekistan celebrate Navruz, the eastern New Year, which is a holiday that celebrates the awakening of nature, and promotes friendship, fraternity and cultural and historical traditions.

March 21 is the spring equinox, meaning that day is equal to night everywhere on the planet. Our ancestors considered this day the beginning of the astronomical year. Uzbek scientists and poets of the past wrote that Navruz was celebrated long, long ago. During the Arab invasion of Central Asia, Navruz was prohibited, but after the downfall of the Arab Khalifate in the 9th and 10th centuries it was revived again.

Young and old prepare for Navruz in a flurry of Spring cleaning, washing, scrubbing, painting and decorating of homes. A week before the holiday many people of Uzbekistan take part in a republic-wide hashar (voluntary, unpaid work performed collectively). In honour of the holiday, new gardens are planted and machinery for cultivation is prepared for field work. A lot of money is donated to the Navruz fund.

Navruz is also a holiday of mercy and absolution. On this day people forgive one another their old offences and visit lonely and disabled, people trying to do whatever they can for those who need their care.

Families with many children and pensioners receive gifts and allowances. Navruz is also a holiday of youth; beauty and creativity. The streets, squares and parks of the towns and cities are beautifully decorated and full of music, songs and laughter. Dozens of professional ensembles demonstrate their skills.

Women cook a wide variety of delicious foods such as palov, shashlik, naryn, khasyp and manti. The choice of cakes, sweetmeats, jam and fruit is unbelievable. But the king of all these holiday dishes is sumalak, a high-calorie stew of germinated wheat, the making of which is a compulsory element in the Navruz festival. Usually the women of the neighbourhood take part in the cooking. Only the best of cooks are entrusted with the important task of making sumalak. Jokes, songs and fun accompany the process of cooking. Sumalak is boiled for more than

24 hours in big cauldrons, the bottoms of which are covered with washed river stones and nuts. According to custom, those who get a stone when the dish is served in plates or cups will be fortunate in the coming year and their dreams will come true.

While the women are cooking sumalak, the men of the neighbourhood are often cooking halim, another traditional dish. It is made by boiling milk, beef, mutton, wheat and flour together in a cauldron. It is also boiled for 24 hours. When it’s hot, it is very tasty.

Comprehension Questions

  1. What is Navruz?
  2. How do people celebrate Navruz?
  3. When was celebrating Navruz prohibited?
  4. What foods are associated with Navruz?

Discussion Questions

  1. How doe’s your family prepare for Navruz? What are your family’s traditions?
  2. Do you like sumalak? Describe how to make sumalak.
  3. Have you ever made sumalak? With whom did you make it? What were your tasks?
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