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Describe a book you like. Исполнитель

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Describe a book you like.

You should say:

What book it was

What the book was about

Why you read it

What you learned from this book

And explain why you would like to read it again.


I like reading biographies because we could always learn a lot from other

people's life, especially famous and successful ones. I recently read the

biography of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. I think it's an inspiring

book and I would like to read it again when I have time.

The book started with Steve's life as an unborn baby. Actually his life wasn't

very smooth because his biological parents gave him up and a nice couple

adopted him. As a young man, he was full of energy and also very rebellious.

He quit college and started his own company in the garage. It was hard to imagine how bad the workingcondition must be, but because of his dream

and hard work, eventually his company became successful and influential all

over the world.

However, the book didn't stop here. It also talked about how Steve was driven

away by his own company and how he started other companies and

eventually went back to Apple Company and made it even more successful.I

think I've learned a lot through this book. Although Steve didn't live a long life,

he really impacted the world and had great contribution to the computer

industry. I think this biography is a must keep one and I would recommend it

to my friends in the future.


The kind of book I like most is Chicken Soup for the Soul, a series of

books released since June 28, 1993, by motivational speakers Jack

Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. The books, usually featuring a

collection of short and dense inspirational stories and motivational

essays, became a holiday favorite by the end of December that year in

America. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54

languages worldwide. I like the book, for it helped me in improving my

writing and pronunciation.

Studying in university, I read a lot, especially novels, the reading of

which benefited me a lot in my reading speed and vocabulary

accumulation. In spite of that, I was afraid of writing and there were

many mistakes in my composition. So I turned to my teacher, Mr. Li, for

help. Hearing my problem, Mr. Li gave me a book, Chicken Soup for the

Preteen Soul, suggesting me to read a story everyday out loudly, and to

retell the story to him after his class. I had no difficulty in understanding

the article, but I was not good at reading aloud. Gradually, I become

more fluent in reading and got better in pronunciation, what's more, I

made up sentences by imitating the sentences I read in the book. My

writing improved unexpectedly. Later I read out the books of the series

on reserve in school library.

Whenever I go to bookstores and libraries here in Hangzhou, I will

spare some time to look at some stories in those books, some I have

read before, some are newly published. I am always deeply touched by

the stories and they remind me of thehappy moments of my


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