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Preservation of the Environment Исполнитель

Preservation of the Environment
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Preservation of the Environment

The 20th century is a century of great achievements in all fields. But at present there are many problems that must be solved. One of them is protection of the environment. Many countries all over the world face this problem.

The Uzbek Republic is rich in various natural resources, but they are not always used in the proper ways. We must protect our environment from destruction. That is why we must fight against pollution of our rivers, lakes and seas. We must preserve our forests and our rare animals. Being a developed industrial state, Uzbekistan has a lot of plants and factories in various cities. Their production is very important, but their smoke is harmful to people’s health and pollutes the air. Now the suggestion is to build industrial enterprises outside cities, in their suburbs. This will help to keep the air of the cities clear and fresh, but may begin polluting the cleaner areas of Uzbekistan.

The protection of the environment is an international problem too. Scientists and people all over the world must preserve the earth for future generations.

People need the environment more than they often know. They need trees and plants to provide the oxygen that humans need to breathe. They need clean water to drink and to grow the food they eat. They need clean land without chemicals and trash so that their food will be safe to eat. Whatever we put into our environment, into the air, into the water or into the ground, changes how safe that air, water or ground will be for humans to use later. The land, the water and the air belong to everyone, so it is important that everyone treat the environment well, because even one bad person can affect the health of everyone everywhere.

We must preserve Earth for future generations.

We must remember that the power of man to conquer nature is unlimited indeed. We must preserve our environment because it is native that provides us with everything we need for our existence.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Why is it important to protect the environment?
  2. What environmental problems are there?
  3. Where does air pollution come from?
  4. Why does everyone need to be concerned about the environment?

Discussion Questions

  1. What is “the environment”?
  2. What kinds of pollution are there? Where do you see pollution?
  3. What parts of the environment would you miss if they were gone? Why?
  4. If “the power of man to conquer nature is unlimited,” why should we not do that?
  5. What can you do in your community to improve the environment? What can you do with your family? With your group? By yourself?
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