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Samarqand Исполнитель

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Samarqand is one of the most ancient cities of the world. Samarqand stood at the cross-roads of caravan routes and played an important role in the economic ties of the countries of the East. Many centuries ago, it was a centre of ancient civilization and the seat of historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Central Asia.

Samarqand had a difficult and, at times, contradictory history. The city is associated with the names of Alexander the Great, the Arab general Kuteib ibn Muslim, the terrible conquerors Chingiz Khan and Amir Temur and the astronomer Ulugbek. Visitors who come to this city admire the artistic talent and skill of the ancient architects who created such amazing structures as the Shahi-Zinda ensemble, the Bibikhanim mosque, the Gur-Amir mausoleum, the Ishrat-khana mausoleum and the Ulugbek, Sherdor and Tilla-Kari madrassahs in Registan Square. The creations of the people’s genius and skills have deservedly become part of the treasury of world architecture.

Samarqand today is a regional administrative centre of Uzbekistan. The city also stands on the highway from Tashkent to Termez.

The population of Samarqand is more than 525,000. It is a multinational city and its populations is comprised of people of 90 nationalities. The city occupies an area of 15,000 hectares. It sprawls in the picturesque valley of the Zarafshan River.

The main waterways in the city are the Zarafshan River and the Darghom, Siab and Shaudor canals.

It is a major scientific and industrial centre of Uzbekistan. It has a university and seven other institutions of higher education, eight research centres, many plants and factories, libraries, museums and theatres.

As elsewhere in the country housing construction in Samarqand is making tremendous progress.

Comprehension Questions

  1. Why did Samarqand play an important role in the economic ties between the East and the West?
  2. Who are some of the famous people who lived in or passed through Samarqand?
  3. In what river valley does Samarqand lie?
  4. How many different nationalities live in Samarqand?

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever visited Samarqand? What sights did you see? What are the differences between Samarqand and your town?
  2. Why do you think Samarqand is one of the best known Uzbek cities in other countries?
  3. What nationalities live in your community?
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