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More and more people are becoming vegetarians nowadays. Исполнитель

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In today’s world eating manners of people have changed dramatically and consequently more and more people are becoming vegetarians. I agree with this perception and there are a number of reasons why people choose to be vegetarian. In the following paragraphs it will be clarified and drawn conclusion.

Firstly, many people choose to go vegetarian or vegan for the health benefits this lifestyle has to offer. It isn't possible to get fiber through meat or dairy products, but vegetarians usually eat lots more fiber than their meat-eating counterparts. Furthermore, cholesterol comes from eating animal products, and people who eat less or no animal-based foods will benefit from this diet. Finally, overall, vegetarians and especially vegans usually weigh less than people who eat meat.

On the other hand meat products are more expensive than any other grain products that makes people less desirable to eat protain enriched food. Therefore, human beings are changing their daily habits, becoming vegans or vegetarians. And also there are other reasons, like  environmental, religious and ethical ones, but they are not basics than I two mentioned before.

However, the proportion between meet eaters and vegetarians are still higher on account of meet eaters.

Taking everything into account, I therefore believe that the number of vegetarians or vegans are increasing these days and also it is expected that this trend will continue rising.

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