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Space exploration is much too expensive and the money should be spent on more important things Исполнитель

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It is not secret that a colossal amount of money is being wasted on space explorations. Some people argue that it would be better to direct this investment on ways to deal with the other problems suffering humanity. I support this argument as there are many problems awaiting their solutions due to lack of money and also most of space explorations have not brought any exact benefits yet.

To start with, it is widely acknowledged that because of insufficient investment, the issues have been becoming headaches for a long time, are still unsolved.  Let’s take cancer for example, the disease which is on the increase. In fact, the researches have been put off because of shortage of finance. If the money wasted on space researches were transferred to medical industry, the life on the earth would be more pleasant. Considering this aspect of the issue it is denied to continue financing the exploration of the universe.

Furthermore, it is clear for everyone that the money aimed to discover new planets that are suitable to dwell is gone in vain. For instance, NASA, being considered to be a leader in cosmic researches, is wasting billions of dollars for abstract outcomes.  This example makes it clear that financial resources should be directed to sort out real problems on our planet.

To sum up all my thoughts, considering the importance of money for the current earth troubles as well as an ineffective result of exploration of the cosmos, once more I am inclined to believe that governments should divert some money from the way of exploring space into resolving the difficulties that have been problems for ages. It is expected that the authorities will think deeply before financing unnecessary space researches.

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