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Openstudy » IELTS » Writing » Task 2 » Many people believe that for pen and paper examinations are not the best method of assessing educational achievement. What is your opinion?

Many people believe that for pen and paper examinations are not the best method of assessing educational achievement. What is your opinion? Исполнитель

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Today, considering career benefits for students studying at universities, it is very important to succeed academically. So, majority people think that pen and paper based examinations are the best way to evaluate student’s educational success. However, from my personal point of view, it is worth considering a field of study before making decision on academic assessing exams. In the following paragraphs I will support this statement with some reasons and examples.

From the one side, scientific subjects like chemistry, maths and physics should have paper based assessment system, as they require more analytical and calculating skills.  In fact, without writing on paper it is a bit impossible to give clear marks for their work. Considering this fact, paper based examinations on scientific subjects are the best option to judge student’s academic achievement.

On the other hand, there are some humanitarian subjects like foreign languages, art or music where paper examination could not give objective assessment on acquiring the subjects.  Here, the other methods of evaluating are more effective. Let us take music, where performance is considered the best method to assess the knowledge of a student. This example makes it clear how other evaluating options are more effective on particular subjects than paper based ones. Therefore, some subjects should be examined with different techniques.

All things considered, once more I am inclined to believe that we should decide on types of exams for particular subjects. Thus, it is recommended that universities should develop special assessment system to evaluate student’s educational achievement.

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