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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Writing » Task 1 » The graph shows the unemployment rates in the us and japan between march 1993 and march 1999.
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The graph shows the unemployment rates in the us and japan between march 1993 and march 1999. Исполнитель

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The line graph gives an overview of unemployment statistics of two developed countiries, namely the USA and Japan over a period of six years from 1993 to 1999.

The unemployment rate went up from 2,5% in March 1993  to  well under 4 % in March 1994 in Japan.  But this figure for the USA reversed by declining from 7 % in March 1993 to 5,5 % in March 1995.

For the following year the proportion of unemployed people fluctuated around 5.5 % in the US,whereas this figure saw a steady increase from 3.7% to 4.7% in Japan. (=In the following year the unemployment rate rose from 3,7 % to 4, 7 % compared to the US, when this pattern fluctuated around 5,5 %.)

There were some further fluctuations in the work force market of two countries, before  their unemployment rate met at just over 5 % in March 1998. Over the remaining period, the trends maintained the same level for both the USA and Japan.

To summarise, in the whole given period, the employment market improved in the American country(The USA), while this worsen in the Asian  country(Japan).

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