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Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person Исполнитель

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The Graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kindom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.


The line graph provides information about how much carbon dioxide was emitted by per person in four different countries between 1967 and 2007.

Overall, it can be seen that while average carbon dioxide emitted by person increased in Italy and Portugal in 1967-2007, the figure for carbon dioxide in United Kingdom and Sweden declined for the given period.

The indicator of average carbon dioxide emitted in Portugal increased slowly from 1 tons in 1967 to nearly 3 tons in 1987, then increasing moderately further to 5 tons in 1997 before staying static at 5 tons for the next ten years. Likewise, the average carbon dioxide emitted by a person in Italy rose moderately from 4.2tons to 6.2tons for first ten years, after that, before levelling off at nearly 8 tons in 1997-2007, it saw a slow increase to nearly 8tons from 6.2tons between 1977 and 1997. As to Sweden, while the figure for carbon dioxide emitted increased significantly from nearly 8.2tons to 10.2tons at first ten years, from that time on, there was a decline of nearly 3tons in 1987, then decreasing further to nearly 5tons between 1997 and 2007. The amount of average carbon dioxide emitted in United Kingdom declined to nearly 7 tons from 11 tons for the given period.

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