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The number of houses built per year in two cities, Derby and Nottingham Исполнитель

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The diagram below shows the number of houses built per year in two cities, Derby and Nottingham, Between 2000 and 2009.



The bar graph compares the number of houses built per year in Derby and Nottingham between 2000 and 2009.

It is clearly seen that although both cities saw a fluctuation in the numbers for some years, in general the trend was upward.

In 2000, there were 50 houses built in Nottingham, about 5 houses more than Derby. The figure for houses built yearly in Derby rose by 30 in 2002. The pattern reversed completely when it comes to Nottingham, seeing a gradual reduction of 20 houses. For the following 5 years the number of houses erected annually in Derby stayed static at just over 100, while in Nottingham it increased moderately from 50 to just under 200 apart from in 2006 when there was a sharp reduction to around 10 houses.  The number of houses constructed per year in Derby more than doubled in 2008, compared with the houses built in 2007. The figure for Nottingham showed a lower record, accounting for 20 houses in 2008. Since then on, the number of houses built annually in Derby and Nottingham grew considerably to 250 and 350 houses respectively.


The vertical column chart illustrates how many houses were constructed in two English cities over a ten year period from 2000 to 2009.

In general, there was an overall increase not considering some fluctuations in the numbers for both cities over a given period.

In 2000, there were 50 houses built in Nottingham, about 5 houses more than Derby. However, in the next two years, the figure for Derby experienced about a twofold increase from approximately 40 to 80 houses, while the indicators of Nottingham nearly halved. Since then on, the figure for Derby reached just over 100 houses and remained at this level until 2007, whereas the number of houses built yearly in Nottingham  grew moderately from 2003 to 2007, apart from in 2006, when there was a drop of 60 houses in comparison with about 80 erected houses in 2005. From then on, the figure for Derby increased sharply, accounting for well over 250 in 2008, while the figure for Nottingham reached an all-time low of 20 houses at the same time. By the 2009, the number of houses constructed in Nottingham increased radically to 250, when the other city saw a moderate growth, hitting a peak at 350 houses.

 Generally, as shown in the graph the trend was upbeat with some oscillations throughout the period.


The bar chart provides information about the number of houses constructed each year in Derby and Nottingham over a ten-year period.

In general, there was an overall increase not considering some fluctuations in the numbers for both cities over a given period.

In 2000, there were 50 houses built in Nottingham, about 5 houses more than Derby. Between 2001 and 2002, the figure for Derby saw a double increase, while it nearly halved in Nottingham. In the next five years, the number of houses yearly built in Derby stayed static at about 120, whereas the figure for Nottingham saw a moderate increase besides 2006, when there were constructed only 5 houses. From 2008 to 2009, the number of annually erected houses in Derby increased considerably, reaching a peak at around 345 houses coming to 2009 in comparison with Nottingham when it declined sharply to 10 houses in 2008 before hitting its peak at 250 houses at the end of the period.

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