The Education System of the USA Исполнитель
The Education System of the USA
The United States of America has a national Department of Education, but each state is in charge of its own educational system. In addition, individual cities and regions have great control over the schools in that city or region. So, while it is possible to discuss American education in general, the specifics change from place to place in the country.
There are three levels of education in the USA: primary, secondary and higher education. At each level there are public and private schools, that is, schools, which are provided by the government, and schools that are run by individuals, churches or other organizations.
In most states, pupils begin primary school, also called “elementary” school, at the age of 6 or 7. Although it is not required, many children attend kindergarten for one year before entering first grade. They attend primary school for 4, 5 or 6 years. All children attend the elementary school of America.
Secondary schools are divided into two types. The first, called middle schools or junior high schools are attended for 2, 3 or 4 years. The second, called high schools are attended for 3 or 4 years. Each year is called a “grade”. Many schools in the USA are organized according to a 5-3-4 pattern, that is, a five-year elementary school programme, a three-year middle-school programme and a four-year high-school programme. Another common pattern is 6-3-3, with 6-2-4 and 4-4-4 patterns also occasionally followed.
Children from the first through the twelfth grade are all called students. In fact, anyone studying, from kindergarten through advanced university, is called a student in America. Sometimes schoolchildren are called “first-graders”, “second-graders” and so on. The last four years of school, they are sometimes known by different names also. Ninth-graders can be called “freshman”, tenth-graders “sophomores”, eleventh-graders ‘juniors” and twelfth-graders “seniors.” These are the same names used for the four years of college or university.
The system of secondary school education in the USA includes different kinds of schools: public and private, large and small, urban and rural, traditional and experimental. In secondary schools, all students study English, mathematics, history and science. Other subjects are selected by the students according to their interests. Other classes may include foreign languages, typing or sewing, art or music, metal or woodworking, agriculture or mechanics. Students study from six to ten subjects at a time. Children in the United States are required to attend school either through the end of their secondary education or until they are 16 years old or older. If they want, to go to college or university, students must complete secondary school. Students who have completed secondary education are said to have “graduated” and they receive a diploma.
When they have finished their secondary education, students take one of a number of general tests. They submit their scores on the test, their grades from school and an application describing themselves to the universities and colleges where they want to study. The universities and colleges choose the best and most interesting students.
Higher education in the USA is organized differently from in Europe. There are public and private universities and colleges in the USA. Colleges and universities give the same type of education. Universities are generally bigger and are made up of several colleges. They also give graduate degrees, and are often centres for research. Independent colleges are smaller and give students more individual attention.
The first level of higher education in America is the “undergraduate” level, which usually requires four years of study. Students finishing this level receive “bachelor’s degrees.” People completing the second level of higher education receive “master’s degrees.” This usually takes between two and four years more. People completing the third level of higher education receive “doctorates.” The second and third levels of higher education are called the “graduate” levels.
Comprehension Questions
- Who controls the educational system of the USA?
- What are the three levels of education in the USA? Of what does each level consist?
- What are the most common patterns of school programmes in the USA?
- What subjects do all students study in secondary school? What subjects are optional?
- What is the procedure for entering a college or university in America?
- How is higher education organized in America?
Discussion Questions
- How do the subjects that American students study differ from those in your school?
- Name as many ways as you can that the American system of education is different from that of Uzbekistan. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system?
- Explain what an American student must do to enter university. Then explain what an Uzbek student must do to enter university. How are these different? Which would you rather do? Why?
- What are the levels of higher education in Uzbekistan? Who do you know who has reached each level? Why would a person want to study at each level?