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Describe an important message you received by phone, email or text. Исполнитель

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Describe an important message you received by phone, email or text.

You should say:

What the message was

Who it was from

What you did after you got this message

And explain why the message was important


I still remember the important message about my college admission.

After my college entrance exam, Ibegan to worried about whether I could

get in the college I applied. I had a lot of free time at that time, but I

could hardly enjoy myself.

I still remember that day. I was on my way to my friend's home. My father

called me because he received my college admission letter. He was very

excited, so was I. I didn't go to my friend's home but got home directly

because it was so important for me. I wanted to see the admission letter

myself. When I held the admission letter, I didn't know how to express my

feelings. It was the most exciting message I have ever received.

For many high school students, it's the most important thing to get in the

ideal college. It was the same for me. There're no others things more

important than this message during that time. Until now, the moment is

still very vivid in my mind.


Days ago, my best friend sent me a message asking me to check my

e-mail for a surprise. As that time I was at work, I did not open it until

night. While I could notstop guessing what the surprise would be, since

she'd like to share everything with me, like her new dressing, a dish she

learned, or a haircut she made. The surprise later I found out was her

wedding invitation, which was unexpected. It's the most important

information I received this year.

Opening my e-mail, I click on a video showing up. It's a collection of photos of

her, her being a baby, a kid and a lovely girl, and later some photos of her

dressing in traditional Chinese wedding costume and white wedding veil

appeared, with the company of her Mr. Right, an old friend of mine, too. Then

an invitation appears asking me to attend their wedding in October. On seeing

those, tears rolling down my face, for I was happy for her and meanwhile,

admired her to be so brave, since she'd suffered a lot to be together with him.

Then I called her up, pretending that I was angry for not being informed until

then. On the phone she apologized happily and told me about her making of

the video, so as to make it a memorable part of their wedding.

I look forward to her wedding, and will always keep the e-mail as a special message from my best friend forever.

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