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Describe a group you would like to take part in Исполнитель

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Describe a group you would like to take part in

You should say:

What the group is

What you will do in the group

Who you did it with

And explain why you want to take part in it


The group I'd like to take part in is a travelling group, with a common name

Donkey Travelling, that is, a group of people get together going expedition,

trekking, hiking, something like that, which is rather popular nowadays. Loads

of groups are available online, and people can join the QQ discussion, a main

form of communication, to be members of groups they are interested in. Some

experiencedtravelers are there to organize the various trips. Members come

up with places to go, and decide on one final destination and on the time to

take it. Then people who had relevant experience will take the lead, and

members who'd like to take part in will prepare the equipment needed, and

bear the cost themselves. I joined one group, and early this year some

suggested to go for a visit in Mountain Mogan, an ideal mountain for hiking,

which is about eighty kilometers away from the city I live. I didn't make it for

the unexpected emergency at work. I was rather regretful on seeing the

pictures they took on the trip. I'm looking forward to join them sometime in the


I love to have a try of Donkey Travelling, for there are many advantages. For

one thing, we no longer need to be guided to rush from one spot to another,

instead we can do it in a much freer and relaxing way. For another, the cost of

Donkey Travelling is much less, compared with that by joining a tourist group.

Besides, walking, the main form of travelling, is beneficial to us who are in

lack of exercise in daily life. To get away from the modem surroundings, and

to get close to the nature, Donkey Travelling is a no better choice.


I want to describe a special group I want to join. It’s not an ordinary one with stable

members, and there is no group leader but a voluntary organizer. Most of the

members are dwellers in the nearby communities, and they stay in a group to do

exercise if they have time. In general, they meet at seven on Sunday mornings, if

weather permitting. Also, activities like hiking and having a picnic are made once a

month. Members are free to propose activities online by MSN, and then they will

vote about the proposals to make a choice, and “sign up” for an activity to take part

  1. I got to know the group by a friend, a member of the group, and joined them to

climb a nearby mountain last week. Having much fun with them, I made up my mind

to keep on doing exercise with them.It’s a walking group started two years ago, when the group organizer posted a

message on the MSN for residents in the neighborhood and tried to find a peer to do

morning exercise on Sundays. As he explained, it’s hard for him to keep on doing

exercise as he’d prefer to sleep all day, however, his declining health left him no

other choice. At first, two other young men joined him. The photos of each exercise

uploaded by the organizer attracted a number of young people in the

neighbourhood, many of whom became regular members. Then they came up with

the idea of starting a group open to everyone; and finally came into being the group

“Enjoy with us”. I assume that most members enjoy the group activity, for they share

the idea that it’s better to do exercise with others, as they can get motivated to

persist. Group work makes exercise more enjoyable and members, meanwhile, can

know different people.

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