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Describe a house or apartment that you like (not your own home) Исполнитель

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Describe a house or apartment that you like (not your own home)

You should say

Where it is

What is looks like

When you saw this home

and explain why you like it


The house I’d like to talk about is my cousin's home. I paid a visit to the house

this summer after my cousin and her family moved in to it. The three-storey

house is located by the side of a river which runs past the city and each floor

enjoys about a hundred square meters. I like thehouse for its beautiful

surrounding and enough space, making me feel closer to nature.

Being on the bank of a river, it’s comparatively cool there in the area. The

house was surrounded by the wall, which separated the houses in the

community. I rang the bell on the door, and my cousin unlocked the door

through the button installed in the house. As she was busy with housework,

she asked me to walk in by myself. I walked through the front door, and

entered a garden, where flowers and vegetable were planted. Going along the

path in the middle of the garden, I came to the ground floor, which was

designed as a garage and a store room. I went up to the first floor by the

open-air stairs on the left of house. The steps led me to a terrace on the first

floor, where a set of wooden table and chairs were set. Standing on the

terrace, I could enjoy the wonderful view over the river, and it’s comfortable because of the soft wind sent by the river. Then my cousin greeted me and

invited me to the dining room. A dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a

lounge made up the first floor. My cousin had a good taste of decoration, and

she’d spent a lot of time selecting the style and color of furnish and lights,

which suited the house well. I also visited the study and three bedrooms in

the second floor, which were decorated warmly and specially. I’d like to have

a house of my own like that in the future.

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