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Демонстрационный сайт » IELTS » Speaking » Describe the ideal home (house or apartment) that you would like to live in
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Describe the ideal home (house or apartment) that you would like to live in Исполнитель

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Describe the ideal home (house or apartment) that you would like to live in

You should say:

Where it would be

What type of house it would be

Who you would like to live with

And explain why you would like to live in this (kind of) home


An ideal home, in my mind, would be one on the foothill of a mountain, with

roads connecting to the city where I work. It should be a three-storey house

with a yard in front. The ground floor would be made into a store room and a

garage, for a car is needed which can make life much convenient. Then the

first floor is used for dining room and kitchen, where we have dinner together

and receive guests, and it should be big enough even to hold an indoor party.

Then the second are designed to be bedrooms with two bathrooms on each.

My grandma, parents, brother and I will live in the house, so there's a need

for four bedrooms on the second floor. The rooms in third floors are reserved

for guests, as well as a study, a place for working and studying.

Besides, stairs will be built, through which we can directly go to the yard,

without going down to the ground floor. Some space will be cleared up to lay

a wooden table and chairs with shelter, so we can enjoy sitting outdoor even

it's raining. A small pool will be constructed to save rainwater, and to store

water running down the hill. Half of the extra land of the yard will be used for

planting flowers, and the other half for vegetables, with a path in the middle

leading to the house. Then grandma could enjoy herself by planting

vegetables, and I could appreciate thebeautiful flowers sitting in the chair.

The water in the pool could be used for watering the plants.

How wonderful it will be to own a house like that! I may be woken up by the

singing of birds and get to sleep by the soft wind outside the wind. Being

close to nature, living in a house there is enjoyable.

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