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A competition (quiz,sports game) you want to take part in Исполнитель

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A competition (quiz,sports game) you want to take part in

You should say

What kind of competition it is

What you will do to prepare

Talk about your advantages


I would like to take part in a singing competition held by the Student Union.

Singing will be part of the program to celebrate the coming of the new year in

January 1st. So the competition is set up to select singers who can perform in

the final show.

I’ve enrolled in the first round, ,which will take place in two weeks, time.

Union members will be judges to pick out 20 contestants, out of 80,to

compete in the second round. On the first round, a competitor needs to sing a

song as he wishes, and the judges will see if he is able to sing freely in the

stage. I used to sing songs at KTV with my friends, so I won’t be nervous of

standing in public to sing. Besides, I’ve been learning songs by Jay Chou for

six years, so I’m confident of performing my song. I’ve asked my friends to help me decide the piece of song I am going to sing. The one I sing well and

one that is popular with others, too. Also, I will invite my music teacher to give

advice on my singing and wearing, so I can leave a better impression on the


I am a big fan of Jay Chou, a famous pop singer who writes songs himself.

Young people are familiar with Jay Chou and most people like his songs. I like

him for his talent as well as the unique style of his songs. His songs motivate

me to be active. His song is special, for he combines several music elements,

lyric and rock for example, into one song. Therefore, it’s a bit hard to learn his

songs. But I did. I prefer to listen to his songs over and over until I know the

rhythm well. Then I would follow his singing for times before I check out the

lyrics. For years, I’ve been trying to imagine his feeling while he’s singing, as

I think the feeling can never beimitated, but to be felt. To learn a song well, I

need to feel the mood he was in and come up my own feeling. I’m looking

forward to the competition.

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